

Fully digitalized automated blood bank management system which nullifies transcription errors with effortless record keeping, accurate data traceability with greater visibility for ideal decisions, a step towards paperless blood banking

bloodPOINT® - Blood Bank Management System

A software tailored for all the needs of a blood bank

bloodPOINT® - Blood Bank Management System

Blood bank is not just a blood processing institution, it also incorporates donor’s data, patient’s data, components data, test and results, and other many transactions. So, along with blood banking, efficient data putting and retrieving is equally Important as well. Moreover, in between these processes, there is a lot risk of human errors resulting in fatal outcomes in some cases which could really be prevented through use of smart software which integrates both human effort and data automation effectively.

The birth of bloodPOINT software is the result of more than 7 years of constant evolution on making this software through pool of constant research, data gathering and numerous feedbacks from concerned top level to bottom level workers in blood banking field.

Features of bloodPOINT® - Blood Bank Management System are summarized below.

Application Dashboard
The intuitive UI will lure you to stare at the art of data presentation and assist you with blood banking functionalities. Not only this presents you with components stock to start with, but also presents you with latest trends for better visualization. Different sections of dashboard are:

Dashboard Left Section
→ Active Requests (shows list of active requests, filtering, ordering, mark as 'all served', mark as 'none served', click to view, right click for new billing, etc.)
→ Active Tests (shows list of active tests, click to open test reporting window, filtering, etc.)
→ Active Tasks (shows list of tasks for logged-in user, click to view task, mark as 'done', etc.)

Dashboard Middle Section
→ Blood Components Stock (groupwise list of blood components totals, can be filtered with/without request component counts, with/without reserve component counts)
→ Apheresis Components Stock (groupwise list of blood components totals, can be filtered with/without request component counts, with/without reserve component counts)
→ Other Items Stock (Items stock totals other than blood components, notation for blood stock, and link for blood box deposits)
→ Donation Target Performances (line chart showing actual donation trends against target donations)
→ Add A Request (swap between items stock or add a request)
→ Alert Panel (shows alert counts of different section like maintenances, requests, expiries, tests, tasks, low stocks, etc.)
→ Frequent Links (frequent links for easy data viewing/keeping)

Dashboard Right Section
→ Soon Expiring Blood Components (lists soon expiring blood components, with their totals and link for new billing)
→ Soon Expiring Stock Items (list soon expiring items stock other than blood components)
→ Running Camps (shows list of running and upcoming camps)
→ Other Frequent Links (frequent links for easy data viewing/keeping)

Trend Charts
→ Request & Served Components
→ Male & Female Donations
→ Camp & In-House Trends (Last 12 Months)
→ Groupwise Donations
→ Voluntary & Replacement Donations
→ Donation Type Trends (Last 12 Months)

Donation Camp Management
Camps could be of two types: one is in-house camp (which is defined as a camp for whole month for in-house collections) and the other is outer camps
→ Recording of camp begins with date, location, staff allocation, equipment allocation etc.
→ Filter for ongoing/upcoming camps
→ Normal/rejected donor overview on each camp listing
→ Free search or view camps of certain year/month

A Donation Camp Window Consists:
→ Camp employees and equipments details
→ Different blood groups and their counts and filtering
→ Total donation counts as well as grouping not done counts and filtering
→ Male/female/others donation counts and filtering
→ Normal donation, apheresis donation counts and filtering
→ Voluntary donation, replacement donation counts and filtering
→ On call donor and follow up donor counts and filtering
→ Discarded donation and rejected donor counts and filtering
→ Donations filtering on each days within a month of in-house donation camp
→ Add donor, edit donor, edit details, delete donor, undo discard, blood grouping, etc.
→ Free search against donor records
→ Auto-generation of donor cards relying on unique phone number/mobile number/email address
→ Send SMS to all donors (according to set filter)
→ Import donors records from Excel (Excel format for importing donors is downloadable in each camp through system)
→ Export donor records to Excel (according to set filter)
→ Userwise camp stats and categorywise camp stats

Provided Donation Camp Management
Due to overload of donation camps in same day, we can provide those extra camps to other BTSC which we couldn't handle, and the donors of those camps will be recorded/imported here. These records are for viewing purposes only.
→ Filter for upcoming camps
→ Normal/rejected donor overview on each camp listing
→ Free search or view provided camps of certain year/month
→ View monthly stats with average donation camps and donations

A Provided Donation Camp Window Consists:
→ Different blood groups and their counts and filtering
→ Total donations count and filtering
→ Male/female/others donation counts and filtering
→ Add donor, edit donor, delete donor, etc.
→ Free search against donor records
→ Send SMS to all donors
→ Import donors records from Excel (Excel format for importing donors is downloadable in each camp through system)
→ Export all donor records to Excel

Donor Management
→ Intelligent donor form to start with, 'Find & Load' feature will make you free from repeatative data entry
→ Auto-load feature - you can put mobile or email address and the related donor details, if exists, will auto populate in the donor form
→ You can use any Nepali or English date, both will be recorded consecutively
→ Blood grouping can be set at the time of donor entry, or later in TTI screening
→ Donor screening tests like blood pressure, pulse, weight, body temperature, haemoglobin, etc. are recorded on donor history
→ Normal donation with voluntary, replacement, autologous selection
→ Apheresis donation with procedure-data keeping
→ Perform TTI screening tests, or discarded without test
→ 'Call on Demand' feature, which lets system know that this donor could be listed in Eligible Donors
→ 'Follow Up' feature states that this donor needs further councelling from related physician, technologist, technician
→ 'Do Not Disturb' feature states that this donor has stated himself/herself not to disturbed by any sms/email
→ Blood components will be generated only after blood grouping is done and all TTI screening tests resulted negative
→ Free searching of donors
→ Filtering of donors daywise, monthwise, or yearwise, along with blood group
→ Filtering of blood donors as discarded, males, females, others, normal, apheresis, voluntary, replacement, call on demand, and having donor cards, etc.
→ You can view reports for yearwise monthly totals of all donors, normal donors, apheresis donors
→ You can also view yearwise monthly total of blood bag volume uses, or donor cards generated
→ All the details of donor could be updated anytime, but editing tests and other things depends upon issuing and expiry mandates

Rejected Candidate Management
Those records of donation candidates who were rejected during the donor screening time, for e.g. due to high/low blood pressure, low haemoglobin, not within permitted age, not within permitted pulse range, high body temperature, medication, sleep deprivation, alcohol consumption, etc. are kept here.
→ The form consists candidate personal information as well as donor screening results
→ Rejection reason as well as the counselling person will be logged
→ These candidate records won't appear in discarded, these are managed separately
→ Add/Edit/Delete functionality are available for rejected candidates
→ Importing and exporting features are available as well

Donor Test Results Management
Donors test results and component generation are inter-related.
→ The tests needed to be done on donation are listed in Active Tests section of main form
→ The tests could be performed either at the time of donor entry, or after each tests are done
→ Blood grouping and TTI screening tests are performed here
→ TTI screening tests covers tests for HIV, HbsAg, HCV, Syphilis, Malaria, and Others if any
→ Test results can be any of either selection type or written type
→ Selection type immuno-haematology test results can be written in system and could be selected at reporting time

Blood Component Management
→ Blood components stock and apheresis components stock are shown in main form's middle section
→ You can filter for used/discarded/available components
→ In depth filtering includes groupwise filtering and/or component-wise filtering and/or hospital/institution wise filtering and/or day/month/year wise filtering etc.
→ You can search blood components through its properties
→ Actions, such as blood component timeline, discard/undiscard, new billing etc. are available according to blood component status
→ Exporting to Excel features are available for all types of filtering and listing
→ Blood component correction
→ Blood group correction
→ Blood bag correction (upward)
→ Blood bag correction (downward)
→ Blood box depositors links (shows blood box items with directly taking back blood box and returning deposit amount options)

Blood Component Stats
→ Yearwise Monthly Total (total number of components generated monthly, grouped in yearly manner)
→ Yearwise Hospital Total (total number of components taken by hospital/institution yearly)
→ Yearwise Referrer Total (total number of components taken by referrer yearly)
→ Yearwise Donor Taken (total number of components taken by donors having donor card monthly, grouped in yearly manner)
→ Monthwise Discarded (total number of components discarded monthly, grouped in yearly manner)

Existing Components Integration
This functionality helps to adopt bloodPOINT system smoothly. The existing components will be reported in to the bloodPOINT system, then the system smartly determines stock/expiry/issues automatically for these components.
→ The existing components that is already in the blood bank before using bloodPOINT software will be reported here
→ Donors and other details will be omitted, and only component details will be kept
→ It will be assumed that all the blood components has negative test results in all respective required fields
→ It will be assumed that the blood components blood grouping is placed correctly
→ Existing normal donation blood components or apheresis donation components could be recorded here
→ To avoid duplicate component generation, all components for a donation (same unit number and tube id) should be filled at once

Blood Bag Management
→ From Add Stock Item, a blood bag is introduced into the system which has volume(for e.g .350, 400, 450, etc) and blood bag type (single, double, triple, quadruple)
Blood bag Defaults states what default blood components are made from a blood bag type (double/triple/quadruple) donation
Blood Bag Volume Use Case shows the list of blood bag type (single, double, triple, quadruple) that are associated with a volume (for e.g. 350, 400, 450, etc.)
→ These blood bags are given unique unit number label (can be auto generated from system) at the time of donation so blood bag along with its associated components can be tracked easily
→ Soon expiring blood bags will be shown at right side of main form

Tests & Reports
→ Active tests can be seen at left section of main form
→ Resolved tests can be listed daywise, monthwise
→ Resolved tests can be freely searched
→ Resolved tests stats can be viewed as yearwise monthly total, monthwise testwise total, yearwise testwise total, etc.
→ Cross match reports
→ Immuno-haematology reports
→ Test records could be exported to excel
→ View/print/edit test results

Adverse Reactions Management
→ Adverse reaction at the time of transfusion can be logged through bill id
→ Adverse reaction types could be managed through system
→ Adding/editing/deleting adverse reaction is possible through links
→ List of adverse reactions could be viewed by filtering month-wise year-wise
→ Exporting features are available as well

Blood Issuing & Billing
→ Patient data management
→ Converting request to billing
→ First expiring component appears first on billing
→ Selection of component at the time of billing
→ Indication of hospital/referrer/camp organizer
→ Discount could be applicable
→ Payment received/unpaid logging
→ Unit number selection through barcode label
→ Add/edit/view/print/return entry billing
→ Payment methods management
→ Component’s summary day-wise, month-wise, year-wise
→ Any item’s detail inspection could be performed
→ Unpaid bills/return-probable bills/not delivered bills could be filtered
→ Free searching
→ Bills of day, month or any period of 12 months could be viewed
→ Stats for year-wise monthly total, year-wise institution total, year-wise referrer total, provided to organizer total, unpaid bills total, return-probable bills total, not delivered bills total, replacement/voluntary donation bill totals can be accessed
→ Exporting to excel feature is available

Barcode/Component Labels Management
→ Unique barcode labels could be printed through system
→ Any missed barcode unit numbers could be found through system
→ Component labels could be printed through system
→ Automation of printing component labels (one or all components of a donation)
→ Reduces the human error and maintains uniqueness around the system with applicable assertions

Blood Requests Management
→ Blood request could be kept on the system for any number and types of components of a blood group at once
→ These requests could have priority labels assigned (for e.g., request confirmed, donor requested, etc.)
→ Priority labels could be managed/changed
→ The patient info of the request could be directly placed in the billing section
→ In bills, the components type and count of a request could be seen at the time of billing
→ Request could be marked as all served, partial served, or none served
→ Ordering based on blood group, priority, person/institution
→ Processed requests could be viewed day-wise or month-wise
→ View/Delete functionality is available for active/processed requests

Blood Components Expiry Management
→ Blood components expiry days, and its ordering could be managed for each blood components
→ All types of blood component’s expiry dates can be seen by choosing the donation date (helpful while writing expiry dates manually)
→ Alert before in days could be set for each component so that the system will alerts users that those component are expiring soon
→ Expiring soon components is visible at right section of main window
→ Grouping of expiring component is done according to the order set
→ Billing of expiring component directly is possible through smart links

Stock Management
→ Stock item management (general item, blood bag item, immune-haematology test item, or apheresis kit item)
→ Stock quantity management
→ Expiry management
→ Depending item management
→ Selling price & returning charge management
→ Returning items management
→ Change return status of blood items (for e.g. PRP i.e. platelets rich plasma only have 3 days expiry and it should handle with extreme care, so this items, once out of blood bank, could be either transfused or disposed, returning and using for another patient could be dangerous, so this will be stated as non-returnable)
→ Manage blood reserve quantities
→ View stock item usage counts (used/discarded/both for day/month/year/12 months)

Low Stock Management
→ Low stock could be seen in orange or red colour
→ Count of those stock items whose stock has been low is shown
→ Directly adding stock of low stock item is possible
→ If any action needs a stock, but that item’s stock is zero, then that action cannot be done, for e.g., if you want to perform cross match, but there is no BT set present in stock, then this action cannot be done
→ For each stock item, low stock indication value could be set

Blood Component Timeline
→ This feature helps us understand how and where a blood component has been traversed for its whole life history
→ Details of donor, donor card, donation and camp with smart links
→ Blood grouping, unit number, component type, and its status (used/discarded/expired)
→ Component uses details (bills, patient/hospital details, returned status)
→ Tests details (test type, test time, test duration, success/failure, etc.)
→ Total lifetime worth value of this component
→ User details with date time (donor entry by, phlebotomy by, blood grouping by, TTI screening by, last edited by, etc.)

Referrer & Organizer Management
→ In each bill, it could be stated if it is being referred by someone, or if we are serving request from an organizer
→ Find & select organizer feature
→ Find and select donation camp feature
→ Smart auto population of institution/referrer
→ List of components provided to referrer according to month/year and its price value
→ List of components provided to organizer according to month/year and its price value
→ Top 10 referrers/organizers for last 12 months or all time totals
→ Referrer names are uniquely auto managed smartly
→ How much components are given to a organizer of a donation camp could be seen on the related donation camp window

Donor Cards Management
→ Donor cards can be auto populated through donation camp window
→ Different Four unique mobile/phone numbers and three unique email accounts could be associated with a donor card
→ Donor card could be searched freely
→ Donor cards could be viewed day-wise or month-wise
→ Donor cards could be printed or is customizable for printing requirements upon request
→ In bill/request, if any phone/mobile/email entered is associated with any donor card, then the donor card number is auto-populated and linked

Donation History & Taken Bloods History
→ Donation history can be searched through phone/email
→ Donation history links are available to every donor places wherever applicable
→ Taken blood history can be searched through phone/email
→ Taken blood history links are available to every donor places wherever applicable
→ In both donation history/taken bloods history windows, places for 4 mobile/phone numbers inputting is available, so a donor card’s full history or taken bloods could be searched instantly
→ Donation history/taken bloods history can be searched for a donor, a donor card, and likewise
→ Donor link, donation camp link, component link, component timeline link are dynamically available in search results

Eligible Donors
→ Search and list eligible donors (Eligibility is established as 90 days passed from last donation)
→ Filter by blood group, location, on call donors
→ Order by days passed (lower to higher or higher to lower)
→ Select/deselect feature for email sending
→ Instantly SMS could be sent to selected donors with dynamic text → Donor and donation history links are available

Task Management
→ Admin or related authority could order/command a task for specific employee or all employee
→ This task would be seen after user logs in, it is seen at left section of main window
→ Tasks can be directly marked as done
→ If any blood component expires, then the system would automatically assign a new task to all employees stating to dispose the list of expired components
→ Filtering is available for active/inactive/both tasks day-wise, month-wise
→ Authority can be changed from role/permission management

SMS Management
→ SMS provider settings could be inputted in Settings section
→ Instant SMS could be sent to selected eligible donors with dynamic text
→ Instant SMS could be sent to all donors of a donation camp
→ Instant SMS could be sent to volunteer donors (in range or all)
→ Instant SMS could be sent to replacement donors (in range or all)
→ Instant SMS could be sent to all donors of system
→ SMS repository helps to view stats of sent SMS
→ Appreciating donor with SMS (at the instant of any blood component uses)
→ Remind donor with SMS (after 90 days from last donation)

Ledger & Transactions
→ A person/party/office ledger account or bank account could be added
→ Minimum balance is set on bank account (although many sets it as zero)
→ Shows list of ledger account with their balance totals
→ Overview of organization (total balance is calculated as negative or positive balance)
→ Ledger records could be exported to Excel
→ Links for transaction list, add new transaction, edit ledger, delete ledger
→ Ledger transactions (day-wise, month-wise, year-wise, or of 12 month period)
→ Transactions listing can be presented with past and future totals
→ Transactions could be exported to excel
→ Ledger transaction link on purchasing item
→ Ledger transaction link on adding item’s stock

Expense Management
→ Expense categories management
→ add/edit/view/delete office expense in cash
→ Related to office/petty cash
→ Free search
→ filtering for day/month/year records
→ Stats as year-wise monthly total or year-wise category total month-wise

Purchase Management
→ Add/edit/delete purchase record
→ Seller ledger account can be linked to this purchase with ledger transaction
→ Stock item could be added from purchase record
→ Paid from office/bank/none
→ Multiple particulars could be added with dynamic units
→ Five levels of discount is applicable (either amount or percentage)
→ Service charge/extra charge/tax/VAT could be applied
→ Purchase bill image could be saved
→ Can check if bill particulars and discounts/taxes are calculated correctly
→ Free search
→ Filtering of records (All/tax only/vat only/non vat/without tax and vat)
→ Filtering of records (day, month, year, 12 month period)
→ Filtering (all sellers or particular seller)
→ Year-wise monthly total for all sellers or particular sellers with any one of all/tax only/vat only/non vat/without tax and vat records
→ Export to excel feature

Equipments & Maintenances
→ An equipment is put as equipment details, purchase bill and vendor info, then maintenance info with alerting before days
→ Equipment can be stated as active/inactive and be filtered as active/inactive/both
→ List of equipments could be exported to Excel
→ Maintenance record can be entered with its cost
→ Maintenances records can be filtered equipment-wise/year-wise/month-wise
→ Maintenance records can be exported to Excel
→ Maintenance days passed equipments are shown in alert panel of main window

Cash Management
→ All cash transaction are logged here
→ Office total cash balance could be seen
→ Cash can be added/withdrawn
→ Cash transaction could be linked to ledger accounts
→ Cash transaction could be filtered day-wise/month-wise with past and future sums
→ Records could be exported to Excel

Contacts Management
→ Managing contacts is never been this easy with image/photo
→ Searching through A-Z and non-characters
→ Free search and view all contacts as well
→ View/Print/Download photo/image of contact
→ Records could be exported to Excel

Duty & Leave Management
→ Add/Edit/Delete/Manage a duty
→ Add/Edit/Delete/Manage a leave
→ Duty/Leave could have short names
→ Duty have extra info as half/double/night/camp etc.
→ These are linked to duty roster and that is linked to payroll

Duty Roster Management
→ Weekly duty roster is present with employee and their respective duties/leaves
→ Weekly duty roster could be printed or could be saved as image
→ Set multiple days duty of an employee
→ Set multiple days leave of an employee
→ Copy a day/week duty roster
→ Set working area of an employee in duty roster
→ Any employee monthly duty roster can be viewed/exported to excel
→ Distinguished colour for duty and leave
→ Payroll is calculated according to duty roster records

Role/Permission Management
→ A role can be created with different set of permissions
→ Then, this role can be applied to any user/employee
→ Then after a user logs in, functionalities are filtered according to this user’s roles
→ List of roles with assigned number of employees
→ Some roles couldn’t be edited/deleted
→ If any role is assigned to any employee, then that role couldn’t be deleted
→ Some important permission are given combinedly without its adding/editing separate functionality, for e.g. salary management, user management etc.
→ 127 roles and increasing as functionalities are being added

User/Employee Management
→ User/employee list with presented with many values and status
→ Filtered using active/inactive status
→ Free search for users
→ Photo management
→ Employee document/certificate management with add/delete/print/download functionalities
→ User/employee personal details with photo
→ Distinguishing as employee or not, login to system or not, login to mobile app or not, authorized hospital/institution or not, etc.
→ Employment details and employment termination details
→ Employment types and employment termination types
→ Enabling/disabling an user/employee

Salary Management
→ Employees listing in alphabetical order for fast access
→ Tax rule management and assign tax rule according to marriage
→ Add/edit/delete functionalities
→ In salary, you need to put basic salary, allowance, night bonus, camp bonus, half duty, double duty, yearly bonus, yearly bonus eligibility, etc.
→ You need to enter tax, EPF/CIT details

Salary Review Management
→ All salary reviews are shown with add/edit/delete functionalities
→ A salary review consists review date, effective date, basic salary review (in amount or percentage), allowance review (in amount or percentage)
→ Listing of salary reviews can be filtered as all employees or particular employees, review applied/not applied/both, yearly/monthly
→ One salary review can be applied once only

Advance Payment Management
→ New advance payment is given against an employee
→ Advance payments will be adjusted in the same month through payroll
→ Filtering can be done as not paid/paid/both
→ Filtering can be done as all employees or particular employee
→ Status with edit/delete functionality is available
→ Limit is introduced in settings section

Payroll Management
→ Employee payrolls are calculated/visible here
→ Filtering is done for all employees/particular employee yearly/monthly
→ View payroll/view monthly duty roster/delete payroll
→ For a month payroll of an employee, monthly duty roster along with leave calculations are shown
→ Over time addition, less time deduction, extra addition, extra deduction functionalities
→ Income tax calculation details according to tax rule applied to the selected employee
→ Related EPF/CIT records are automatically generated
→ Advance payments are automatically debited from payroll amount

EPF & CIT Management
You can view or filter EPF (Employee Provident Fund) or CIT (Citizen Investment Trust) records of particular or all employees for particular year or month. These records will be auto generated when a payroll for an employee is created.

→ Max. and Min. Limit (you can set max. and min. percentage limit for EPF/CIT records in Settings. Then, you can set the particular employee's EPF/CIT percentage or amount in salary record of employee.)
→ Annual Tax Max. Exempt (you can set this amount in Settings, so that no employee EPF/CIT exempt amount will cross this limit annually.)
→ Add Extra EPF/CIT (you can set extra adding amount to EPF/CIT amount from company through Settings in percentage either of basic salary or of basic salary and bonus amount.)

The EPF/CIT feature can be enabled/disabled from Settings.

Visual Trends & Stats
In assisting manegerial decisions, this window displays more than 67, organized time-group data display in graphical representation for swift view of performance of different sections of blood banking. The charts/graphs could be printed directly through system.

In-Depth Exporting to/Importing from Microsoft Excel
Every deserving window have Export to Excel feature which helps to export the displayed/searched results in excel in organized formatting. Some excels are designed to be imported into system with some changes applied to it through special feature.

Complains/Appraisals Management
Logged-in user can post complain/appraisal of someone by giving 1-5 stars and some reason/description which helps on determining performance and behavior of different person in the organization. Here, user can post complain/appraisal being completely anonymously too which won't be logged in system.

Monthly Reports for NBBTS
As per regulations of NBBTS (National Bureau for Blood Transfusion Service), we need to provide monthly reports of different catogories, and bloodPOINT system does that in one click. The monthly report which is exported in Excel includes:

→ Blood Donation Camps (number of camps organized)
→ Blood Collection (voluntary, replacement or autologous donation counts and their totals differentiated in male and female categories)
→ Received Blood/Blood Products From Other BTSC (count and totals of blood products received from other BTSCs)
→ Age-Wise Blood Collection (blood collection counts in different age ranges: 18-25 Years, 26-40 Years, and 41-65 Years)
→ Report Of TTIs (different TTI screening positive result counts as well as all total +ive and -ive counts differentiated in male and female categories)
→ Donors Discarded Without TTIs (discarded reasons and their respective counts as well as all total counts differentiated in male and female categories)
→ Results Of Blood Grouping (blood donation total counts for different Rh/ABO groups organized in table and differentiated in male and female categories)
→ Uncategorized Tests (cross match, anti-D titre, saline wash, rever grouping, etc. total counts)
→ Donors Discarded Without Blood Grouping (blood donation discarding reasons and their respective counts which didn't underwent TTI screening differentiated in male and female categories)
→ Blood Component Preparation (prepared blood component counts and their sum)
→ Supply Of Blood/Blood Products (blood components counts supplied to males and females and their totals differentiated in government hospital and private hospital categories)
→ Returned Blood/Blood Products (returned blood component counts and their sum)
→ Wastage & Discarded Blood/Blood Products (discarded blood component with reason, counts and their sum)
→ Reported Adverse Reactions Related With Blood Transfusion (adverse reaction type, blood component counts and their sum)
→ Laboratory Investigation (different results and their counts for direct coombs test "DCT" and indirect coombs test "IDT")

Database Management

→ Backup Database (makes database backup instantly, or enable/disable backup scheduling)
→ Restore Database (restores the database from previously backed-up database)
→ Optimize Database & Queries (updates database indexes, reperform index associations and query cache optimizations, this action can be performed at least 7 days apart of previous action date)

Shortcuts Management
The logged-in user can set 12 keyboard shortcuts for 12 keyboard keys (F1 to F12) for available actions he/she can perform within the bloodPOINT system. The actions associated with the keyboard shortcuts can be accessed from main window of the bloodPOINT system.

User Activities Logging
bloodPOINT system logs each and every activity of users that is done within system. The activities can be accessed by four means:

→ Userwise search (of particular user for certain period or all time)
→ Free Search (free text search within activities)
→ Window Search (of particular window activities for particular id, or for certain period, or for all time data)
→ All Logs (for certain period or for all time data)
→ User activity stats on donation (userwise records with day/month/year/12 months selection)

The activity logging feature can be enabled/disabled from Settings.

Additional Features
→ Date converter (English to Nepali and vice-versa)
→ Opening notepad/calculator directly through system
→ Amount calculation (for change calculation and returning amount calculation)
→ Dark theme/light theme and auto-scheduling
→ Day summary (with exporting features)
→ Cash summary (only sales and returns)
→ Bills/Test reports headers/signoffs/remarks etc.
→ Password confirming feature for data sensitive tasks

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